Amazing WOW Store Demo Display
This week Museum Collection Monday spotlights an AMAZING Worlds of Wonder Lazer Tag store demo display. This is a very rare example of an...

Merry Christmas 1986: The Debut of Photon (Entertech) and Worlds of Wonder Lazer Tag
This week Museum Collection Monday celebrates the Christmas shopping season of 1986, which is when both Entertech’s Photon home game and...

Comparing Notes
This week on Laser Unfocused Tag Talk I chat with Clint Novak, a fellow amusement industry enthusiast who has also visited hundreds of...

10 Years of Tiviachick: A Decade of Laser Tag Adventures
Today is the ten-year anniversary of TiviachickLovesLaserTag.com . When I began writing this blog, I never dreamed it would lead to all...

Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging at My Home Site
There is no way I could have celebrated the ten year anniversary of TiviachickLovesLaserTag.com without playing some laser tag in the...

The Same Name Game - Part 3
It’s Museum Collection Monday! Here’s another instance of a product that shared a similar name with another product (the other product...

Laser Tag at IAAPA 2024 (Podcast)
It’s time for the annual “Laser Tag at IAAPA” episode of the Laser Unfocused Tag Talk podcast! My favorite part of IAAPA (and the primary...

Just Opened! - LaserMaxx Danvers
You may have heard about the new LaaerMaxx locations that are being opened in former Laser Quest buildings in the U.S. and Canada. I have...

The Comedy of “Laser MILF”
On the busiest travel weekend of the year I decided, “Road trip? Why not?” and I hopped in my car, bound for Massachusetts before...

Founders Tag
Once in a lifetime? How cool would it be to play laser tag with the founders. sons of founders, presidents, CEOs and top reps of the...