The Comedy of “Laser MILF”
On the busiest travel weekend of the year I decided, “Road trip? Why not?” and I hopped in my car, bound for Massachusetts before continuing on that same evening to New Hampshire, where I ended my day watching an amazing live comedy show about the miraculous “fix anything” qualities of both Laser Tag and Lysol…bet you weren’t expecting that! Shout out to Kathe Farris and Kelly MacFarland for an incredible show!

Earlier that day my travels led to Boston to see Alecia Witt in concert (Love her!)…

We are striking the laser tag pose at the post-concert meet and greet. :)

Between these two events I had a couple of hours free so, yes, of course laser tag happened at the newly opened LaserMaxx Danvers (separate post coming soon about that).
But let’s fast forward to the end of the night so I can explain the title of this post. When I learned that Kathe Farris, the comedian who had been a guest on my podcast last month, was performing only an hour away from where I was traveling, I thought this would be a great opportunity to catch her act which includes jokes about her experiences playing laser tag.
I had a seat about as close to the stage as you could be without actually being on the stage. Proof? Here is my drink…

In proximity to her microphone!

This show was fantastic and she is hilarious!

When she appeared on her DryBar comedy special the final joke was a bit modified, as you can hear in this clip.
However, this night she went full out with the joke that ends with her holding down three spots on the leaderboard with her codename/ “Laser MILF, Laser MILF, Laser MILF!”
She even brought me some cool tag swag unlike any I had in my collection before!

Comedian Kelly MacFarland took to the stage next.

She also gave an amazing performance (although no laser tag in her act). When the show was over I introduced myself to Kelly and she said “are you laser tag?” as if it was my name…but to be fair, many people call me “Tivia” like it’s my name, which is basically the same thing. I said “yes, I am laser tag.” :)
Kathe and I visited a bit after the performance, which was such a delight.

And she brought me another souvenir. You see, another part of her act revolves around making art from wine corks (aka Go Cork Yourself”, which inspired me to get creative as well. As a thank you to Kathe for being my podcast guest I sent her a laser tag themed “Cork Kathe”. That night she gave me a “Cork Tivia”. How cool!

If you missed her appearance on the podcast (featuring a sample from her album with the full Laser MILF joke) you can see it here…
So that’s the story of my trip to see the live comedy performance of Kathe Farris, aka “Laser MILF”!
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