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Repeat Performance

After landing in Las Vegas I had a free day in my schedule, so I decided this would be my “sushi and play laser tag” relaxation day. First, a shout out for the AMAZING sushi at Jjanga Sushi. I am definitely returning to this restaurant next time I am in the area. Then it was time for a repeat performance, playing at several arenas that I had already visited previously. Why was I playing repeat locations instead of looking for something new? Well, I have only one arena of cushion before a friend is opening a new site, which I intend to make my 400th laser tag arena. So in the meantime I’m being careful to keep my arena count holding steady. This gives me the flexibility to make some repeat visits to places I have enjoyed before.

My favorite arena in Las Vegas is Battle Blast. I actually played here twice during this trip. Once on Monday and then again on Wednesday, so that should tell you how much I enjoy this site.

Playing Nexus is always a great time. Playing Nexus with this group was even more fun, kind of like playing with undercover agents.

We played with a group that included two young guys from Iowa who I want to give a shout out to. They earned some serious bragging rights that night! Guys, I salute you.

I also had a chance to revisit a couple of locations that would appear in my presentation the next day. The first was Lost Worlds Myth and Magic, which appeals to the “mother of dragons” in me. I am a lizard mama to a little leopard gecko, but she is not nearly as big as this creature!

Had a great time, then moved on to one of my “most distinctively unique” nominees, Flip N Out Xtreme in Henderson, NV. I really wanted a refresher on this site and to try to do a platform count. This is a really unusual arena!

I put on my Delta Strike Evo pack and went out into the game with a large group of teenagers.

So much fun!

Other repeat performance arenas along this journey included Laser Mania hosting Tag 4 A Cause (more on that soon) and Ultrazone Bensalem, where I spent an unexpected Friday night of AYCP tag.

While I was there they showed me their Tivia’s Top Ten arena contest People’s Choice ribbon on display. I love seeing the awards from this contest on display at the recognized arenas!

Something else I love to see is a briefing room with purpose. Check out these walls next to each set of briefing room risers.

I had a wonderful time playing this arena again.

My last time tagging in Bensalem was during Armageddon nearly three years ago. It’s another great example of a balanced and really fun to play maze.

This arena is near enough that I should make more of an effort to get back here more often. It really was the perfect way to round out this “repeat performance” tour of some awesome laser tag sites.

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