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My Two Favorite Things in Sevierville

There are two things that made me excited to pay a visit to Sevierville, TN. One is that this is the hometown of country legend Dolly Parton (and as someone who has spent my whole life working in radio, this is a place to show reverence to the Queen of Country), and it is also the location of the Sevier Air Trampoline and Ninja Warrior Park featuring their Sevier Warfare Laser Tag Arena. In this case, I decided to visit Dolly’s iconic statue first, then proceed to the laser tag.

However, once I made my way over to the laser tag, I was ready for whatever they had to offer here!

I purchased my game pass and was given a token to take to the laser tag game marshal.

I took it to over to the laser tag area, ready to see what this Sevier Warfare (that I also saw advertised on a billboard on the drive over) was all about.

I hit a quieter window of time, so I got to enjoy a private 1v1 game against the game marshal. I got the feeling he did not think I would be much competition and he might try to go easy on me…lol. Let’s suit up!

As this was my final tag stop on this trip, I did not hold back. We spent an intense game window chasing each other around this CW arena.

There were lots of cool props to theme this arena with trucks and planes, etc.

However, one detail caught my eye in particular. As this seemed like the kind of arena where I might be likely to find a nod to the local area, so I was keeping my eyes open for anything that might be a hidden Easter egg. That’s why I was interested in this shark plane.

I asked the marshal if the shark had any connection to Sevierville. He did not think so (and being out in the middle of Tennessee, I will concede that was probably a stretch on my part as well), but he was impressed that I said the name of the town correctly. I told him that as a DJ, I was sure I had said the name of Dolly Parton’s hometown more than once, so I was also glad to know I pronounced it right, lol!

And with that, I concluded my laser tag adventure before heading off to enjoy dinner in Dolly Parton’s hometown. I’m glad I got to experience it and really glad I had time in my schedule to visit her statue while I was here.

You see, every morning I start my day by pouring myself “a cup of ambition” and so for a moment each day I think about the woman who started her life in this little town and managed to make such an impact on the world.

It was so cool to get to visit Sevierville and leave with two awesome memories!

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