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A Tragic Loss

Something devastating happened yesterday that completely rocked the competitive laser tag community. We lost an incredibly well loved and very prominent player who was expected to be joining us and playing alongside everyone at the Armageddon laser tag tournament this very week.

“Harlequin” (using her code name only for her family’s privacy) was a multi-system player, probably best known in the Zone community, but who also played Laserforce and other systems and was one of the nicest people I have had the privilege of meeting in the tournament scene. I want to just take a moment to acknowledge how much she meant to so many, both in and outside of the laser tag community. I competed with her at a couple of tournaments, appreciated her advice and tips and received the benefit of her fashion styling as I purchased many of the Lularoe clothing I own from her small business as an independent consultant.

As one of the very few women in the Armageddon scene I remember walking through a mall, chatting with her on one of our break stops during my first year competing and appreciating the way she welcomed me as a sister in the sport. I also recall her tireless effort, reaching out to her Lularoe friends to find me a replacement pair of leggings that matched  my little Leon’s tail perfectly. On Christmas Eve she would regularly go out shopping and give chocolate bars to the store staff who were working that night.

She had a huge heart and my last communication with her was actually inviting her to be a guest on my podcast. Unfortunately, we will never be able to hear her laser tag stories first-hand any longer. The loss of such a bright spirit is such a loss to the laser tag community and the world.

I support the decision that has been made to proceed with Armageddon this year as a celebration of her life. I also want to share an important number. If you are struggling, you are not alone and do not have to go through it alone. Please know that help and support are available and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can always be reached at   800-273-8255 . Our laser tag community has been devastated by this loss, but our friend’s memory and light will continue to shine brightly in the hearts of everyone she knew. Rest peacefully, Harlequin.

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