A Mississippi “Big Play” Day
When I left Alaska, I knew my original plan to continue in to Hawaii would have to be revised. Even though the laser tag arena in Hawaii is not on Maui, I assumed that the people impacted would be transported to the other islands and the timing for leisure travel did not seem right, so I re-routed my trip. At first I thought I’d end up tagging in the northwestern part of the country, but when you go with the flow and stay flexible the adventures just find you! An unexpected opportunity led me to run twenty gates to catch a flight to New Orleans by the skin of my teeth!
Once in New Orleans I rented a car and headed east, first towards Mississippi where I found myself driving along Biloxi Beach, headed for big fun and Big Play Entertainment Center in Biloxi, MS.
Jordan and Hailey and I put on Delta Strike Genesis packs while gamemaster Stephanie (who I called Jem because I love her pink hair!) explained the game.
Then we entered an impressively decked out, double level Star Wars-inspired arena.
There were plenty of game targets scattered throughout.
The walls were a typical CW design, but the most notable and unique elements enhanced the space-themed atmosphere.
And I particularly liked one real showpiece prop suspended from above.
While I didn’t expect to pass through Mississippi when my day began, I am so glad I had a chance to experience some laser tag here at Big Play Entertainment.
I also enjoyed having a chance to enjoy a gorgeous day along Biloxi Beach!
I stopped at a cute little souvenir stand and soaked up a bit of sunshine before continuing on to see what surprises would be next in this unexpected leg of my trip. Go with the flow and you never know what you will encounter!
Comments or Questions?
Contact: Tivia@tiviachickloveslasertag.com
Websites: www.tiviachickloveslasertag.com and www.photonforever.com