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A BIG Experience at Dezerland Park

When I told Scuba that we were going to play laser tag at an entertainment complex that was 850,000 square feet he looked at me very skeptically, like I couldn’t possibly have gotten that figure right. However, Dezerland Park in Orlando, FL actually IS that big and we got to play using the Netronic Eclipse indoor taggers in their inflatable laser tag arena (a smaller piece of the big picture…I will guess the arena size to be around 2500 square feet), making this an interesting stop for multiple reasons! :)

I don’t often get to play this system. The Eclipse taggers we used are part of Netronic’s indoor equipment, which I have played three times now and each time with a slight variation…once with phasers only, once with the full Galaxy Eclipse spherical sensor pack with the phaser attached and this time with the lighter vest with the smaller sensor targets and untethered phaser.

I felt like the sounds I was hearing in this game were slightly different from those I have heard when playing this system before, but the key information conveyed aurally is “I’m wounded” (as you are being tagged), “The player is dead” (self-explanatory) and “Go, Go, Go!” (when you come back up after being deactivated).

We entered the arena and I was surprised to find how far back it went.

The space plays predominantly lengthwise and with two of us in the game we pretty much stuck to the far end of the space.

The phaser screen gives key health updates during the game, so I found myself looking at it frequently.

It felt like a longer game experience and was an enjoyable cat and mouse kind of game. We came out of the arena feeling like we got quite a novel experience!

Scuba took the win on this one. Good game!

It was cool to experience a different kind of laser tag game, as this was Scuba’s first time playing Netronic.

As mentioned, laser tag was only a small piece of the entirety of what Dezerland Park had to offer. We were told this place was formerly a mall and that its namesake, Michael Dezer, turned into a garage for an amazing car collection before transforming it into the entertainment complex it is now, complete with movie theater, go carts, food and arcade on a scale you have to see to believe. Vintage and custom vehicles are showcased all throughout the building, which is home to the Orlando Auto Museum, all under the same roof!

There were some amazing cars on display!

I must say, Ecto-1 was my favorite vehicle here.

So, if you are looking for a BIG experience in Orlando, you will find it at Dezerland Park with everything but the kitchen sink and laser tag too!

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