The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...For Laser Tag and Giving
My heart was warmed by an experience I had with a local shop owner earlier today. I work for a company that puts together one of the largest toy drives in Central New York. Over the course of several weeks our radio stations have broadcast from many different locations collecting toys that will be given to 28 local charities to distribute to less fortunate children prior to holiday time. So today I went into a shop with the intention of buying a laser tag toy to donate to the toy drive myself. My hope was that in doing so I could share the love of laser tag with some child out there who might not otherwise get to have the experience.

I was disheartened to learn that the laser tag toys I found required the use of an iPhone or similar device. Somehow I don't think this technology requirement was a factor when the first laser tag toys hit the store shelves in time for Christmas of 1986. Suddenly this idea seemed impractical because I would think a less fortunate child would be unlikely to have an iPhone. Sigh... I would have to pick out some other toys to donate instead. When I mentioned in passing that this was the reason I came into the store the owner demonstrated some serious holiday spirit. He went into the back and came out with a huge box. I asked him what this was. He said it was a case of brand new toys that he wanted me to take back as a donation. So even though the laser tag toy did not work out as planned, it ultimately resulted in a gift that will benefit many more children in the end. Thank you Art. ;) And thanks to everyone else who has donated to help make the Christmas season more merry for lots of local kids. For anyone else who may be interested in helping you can visit . Comments or questions? Contact: Websites: and Blog: