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Ladies, please...

Here's something I have never before experienced while playing laser arena with nothing but female players. It was interesting...and ear splitting...and like Kreskin I predicted to the game master that this night would be short lived. But tonight deserves a pink phaser award as it certainly was a first for me.


Forget all that "role model" stuff from a couple of weeks ago. And also forget when I said I understand how teenage girls are because I was one...I mean, obviously that's true, however when I arrived for some Zone tonight and found the center had nobody there except for this swarm of overly boisterous teenage girls I was ready to head elsewhere again. Not because I didn't think they could do well and not because I don't want to encourage girls to play and love laser tag (and for the record, I do). No, the reason I left after one game is that I value my hearing.

There was an unbelievable level of noise in that arena because every time one of them got tagged she would scream with a level of intensity that would make you think she had actually been shot! I'm talking blood curdling shrieks EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!! I commented to the game master (also female...I swear this may have been a first both for womankind and laser tag) that we would feel quite foolish if someone was actually murdered inside that arena, which would be the only thing that might legitimately warrant that amount of screaming.

Interestingly enough it wasn't only the girls getting tagged who were making a riot. Even the girls doing the tagging had something to shout about. Occasionally a victory saying seems to catch on with members of a group and this appeared to be the case tonight. What was odd to me was their particular choice of phrase. In an arena populated with ONLY female players the phrase these young ladies jubilantly shouted over and over and over upon tagging an opponent was...(ready for this one?)..."Got your nuts!" Seriously, ladies.

So after a single victory (and all I could handle of that) I switched gears and headed to the Laserforce arena, essentially flip-flopping my original game plan for the weekend. Here I was the only female player in the game, but at least it was a game that didn't have me rubbing my temples and shaking my head. Now, I said last week (or whenever) that my messing around with levels and multiple memberships was over for now as I want to focus on upping the ante and improving my game between now and the Armageddon. So I signed in as a level six for the rest of the night among a sea of level ones because (ego aside) this is much better quality practice than simply shooting at a gaggle of giggling screamers. And the results playing this way at least count for something...something that may not be earned in blood or tears, but definitely in sweat!


Here's an example of how/why this avenue has more value, OK, I was not first place overall operating with the disadvantage of the triple shot on the level ones, but being first among the level six players in this game means it was earned in terms of the overall better quality of the competition, so I'll take it :)

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