Tiviachick Loves Laser Tag
I'm all about that base...

Thank You
to all who participated in Tiviachick's
Tag 4 A Cause
Laser Tag 5K Challenge
Supporting the Lustgarten Foundation
Pancreatic Cancer Research
in November 2020
Learn more about the cause we chose to support at lustgarten.org
Thank You to Apex Entertainment in Albany, NY
for hosting the first Tag 4 A Cause Laser Tag 5K Challenge
event to help raise funds and awareness
for pancreatic cancer research!
I completed my personal 5K at Apex Entertainment inside Crossgates Mall in Albany, NY on November 7th
alongside both public players and individuals who were Tagging 4 A Cause to complete their Laser Tag 5K Challenge as well.
Prior to starting each game all players were told that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month
and to symbolize that they were offered a free purple ribbon. Here are some photos from the event!

Thank You

Thank you to all who participated in the first
Tiviachick's Tag 4 A Cause Laser Tag 5K Challenge in November 2020!